Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Follow-up on my 101 in 1001

101 Things to do in 1001 days…that’s a lot for 2.7424657 years!!!

  1. Finish the basement (DONE right before we put our home on the market)
  2. Spring cleaning…get rid of a lot of useless things in my house (DONE...Salvation Army)
  3. Not to complain about anything for a week (WORKING ON IT)
  4. “Attempt” to build an Igloo (I’ve always wanted to do that)
  5. Carve my name on a tree
  6. Learn to speak German somewhat perfectly
  7. Spend a week on a Cruise
  8. Get married (already in the works…August 20, 2011)
  9. Have another baby (WORKING ON IT)
  10. Buy a new home (DONE, moved on June 15, 2011)
  11. Horseback riding with my sister Terra
  12. Take pole dancing lessons or a class (it’s not as dirty as it seems)
  13. Buy my dream kitchen table (made of refurbished wood)
  14. Laser removal (under arms only)
  15. Lose 20 lbs. (WORKING ON IT)
  16. Learn how to type faster
  17. Give blood (I have a fear of needles)
  18. Learn to drive standard
  19. Go to a Guns’N’Roses or Lenny Kravitz concert
  20. Make a birthday cake with fondant for someone
  21. Make a wish on November 11, 2011 (11:11)
  22. Eat lobster (WORKING ON IT)
  23. Make a recipe book of my fave’s (WORKING ON IT)
  24. Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
  25. Tattoo my children’s name or birthdates
  26. Buy a bike and use it
  27. Go somewhere by train
  28. Say YES to everything for a day (DONE, that was easy)
  29. Keep a “My day in 6 words” journal for a month
  30. Buy myself flowers
  31. Write a personal mission statement
  32. Go to a Montreal Canadiens game with Derek
  33. Go a month without chips
  34. Sell something I’ve created myself
  35. Kiss passionately in the rain (with Derek) like in the movie Notebook
  36. Write 5 letters to people who really changed my life
  37. Go zip-lining
  38. Buy an apron
  39. Get a hot river rock massage
  40. Make a wooden sign for the cottage (DONE, had one made for Derek’s dad)
  41. Learn to golf
  42. Take a girls trip
  43. Mow the lawn for a week
  44. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch
  45. Watch stars on the dock at the cottage with Derek and Drayden
  46. Write my own vows (WORKING ON IT)
  47. Go on a wine taste testing tour
  48. Host a Christmas dinner
  49. Go without swearing for 20 days
  50. Go to Disneyland for Drayden’s 3rd birthday
  51. Write a letter to be opened when I’m 40
  52. Write my will
  53. Earn enough Pampers points to get Drayden a free gift (WORKING ON IT)
  54. Travel with my Airmiles
  55. Replace my make-up with natural and chemical-free stuff
  56. Get 50,000 grains of rice on freerice.com
  57. Have a “Snooki” poof for a day (weird I know…but it would be funny)
  58. Ride on a Double-Decker bus
  59. Stop using exclamation marks in my emails for a week!!!
  60. Buy 1 piece of clothing a month for the next 1001 days (WORKING ON IT)
  61. Order something different at Subway (DONE, Southwestern sauce)
  62. Have a garage sale (DONE, June 18, 2011)
  63. Whiten my teeth (WORKING ON IT)
  64. See a dermatologist
  65. Go to a Halloween Party with Derek
  66. Visit the Art Museum
  67. File all paperwork
  68. Organize junk drawer
  69. Rent an RV
  70. Go Backpacking for a weekend
  71. Become more proficient with word and excel
  72. Have a bowling night with the girls (HAD ONE NEED ANOTHER)
  73. Payoff our line of credit (DONE)
  74. Buy a video-camcorder
  75. Try downhill skiing
  76. Improve my push-ups “skills”
  77. Do 100 crunches a day for a month
  78. Compliment a random stranger once a month (WORKING ON IT)
  79. Finish my Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving (next year)
  80. Watch every Tom Cruise movie ever made in order
  81. De-clutter my mom’s house
  82. Make homemade Christmas gifts for 2011 or 2012
  83. Drink only water for 2 months and eat too of course
  84. Have a picnic with Derek and Drayden under a tree
  85. Buy or make a quilt
  86. Eat everything organic for a week
  87. Go to the Drive-in
  88. Get a PVR
  89. Do Oprah’s Debt-Diet
  90. Go to Loblaws only once a week (DONE and still working at it)
  91. Take an education class…for work perhaps
  92. Go away for New Years’ Eve
  93. Buy a headboard for our bed (DONE, July 2011)
  94. Make jams for our wedding favors (DONE, July 24, 2011)
  95. Save 3 months salary and not touch it
  96. Take my vitamins and allergy pills everyday for a whole year
  97. Make homemade Oreos
  98. Drink a vintage wine
  99. Milk a cow…I’ve never tried it
  100. Get something named after me
  101. Put something on You Tube

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